From ‘The Lovely Baker’

I don’t make cakes (I try, but the end results are usually pretty horrific) so I think it’s best left to experts like ‘The Lovely Baker’. In this video our lovely cake making professional shows us how to make the best type of cake possible: An Otter cake!
Technically this is a Valentine’s day cake, but if you just leave the hearts off you’ve got yourself an Otter cake for any occasion. It would be sad to only eat this cake once a year, right? Anyway, as stated, I’m useless at cakes so I’m off to scoff something ready made. Everyone else, get going on this cake!
The Lovely Baker has a list of bits and bobs you might need on her Youtube page, here.

More Information
The ‘Lovely Baker’ Is super talented and makes the most excellent confectionery I’ve seen (even the non otter based stuff) She regularly posts cake decorating ideas and tutorials on her own Youtube channel. You should definitely check it out (when you’re not busy looking at otters). Here is a list of where to find her:
Youtube: The Lovely Baker Youtube Channel
Instagram: thelovelybaker99
Facebook: The Lovely Baker Facebook Page
Thanks love otters and love this website jane and manny